It was three volts and the weather was hot. In order to care for the health and safety of the company's employees and do a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling, on August 3, 2022, the company's branch united with the labor union organized a summer cooling and consolation activity. During the activity, the relevant leaders of the trade union personally delivered the heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks to the employees working in the front line, thanked the employees for sticking to their posts and working hard for the business development of the company, and told the employees to do a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling, epidemic prevention and control and safety production, enhance their awareness of self-protection, and be the first person responsible for their health.
In the hot summer, it is cool and caring. This condolence activity sends the company's care and coolness to all employees, encourages employees to make contributions based on their positions, promotes the sustainable, stable and healthy development of the company, and welcomes the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with practical actions.
Author: Zhangxiaoping
Typesetting: Li runqi
Reviewed by: yuzhifeng